Threadwalkers Blog Tour Day 1

It’s Monday, which means it’s DAY ONE of the Threadwalkers blog tour, aka virtual book tour. Yay!

Blog Tour Links for March 5:

  • Here’s a short review with a giveaway attached for a $25 Amazon gift card from The British Bookworm [read more]
  • Here’s an interview I did with The Cover Contessa. If you’ve ever wanted to know what my dream job as a child was or five things that make me sad, this is the one for you. [read more]
  • Finally, here’s a very kind review from Stephanie at Literary Flits who is also giving away a $25 Amazon gift card! [read more]

Snaps from a daytrip up the mountain

winter valley

Sunday afternoon 3 friends and I ventured into the east San Diego county mountains to meander around Julian and to enjoy the winding roads and gorgeous overlooks. We saw a distant Salton Sea and desert and snow and it was lovely.

4 friends

Two of these ladies move away this year and I’m so sad to see them go. It’s part of life, these hellos and goodbyes, but this hello has been entirely too short.